German Body Composition Program Charles Poliquin Meat

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Poliquin - Healthy. Without changing their diet, both men and women using the GBC program have dropped up to.5 percent of bodyfat per week while gaining muscle. Many people, however, hold off on trying GBC because they don’t have the time to spend an hour a day in the gym. The solution: German Body Comp Burst workouts. German body comp program: Burn fat and build muscle on the only program that uses weight training for weight loss [2004] The Poliquin Principles: Successful Methods for Strength and Mass Development [1997] Winning the Arms Race: The Ultimate Training Program for Arm Size and Strength [2000]. The German Body Comp Program is a fat-torching workout based on the groundbreaking research of the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie. Rambie defected from Romania to West Germany, which is how the German Body Composition Workout Routine gets its name.

The meat and nuts breakfast, featuring beef jerky and assorted nuts. Subj: How to get lean and mean with an old-old-oldschool meal – the meat and nuts breakfast! The meat and nuts breakfast is as old school as it gets. The rule of nutrition goes like this – the longer something has been around, the better it is for you.


Water, for example, has covered the planet for billions of years and just happens to be the best things for your body. When it comes to food, meat and nuts where a staple of the early man’s diet. Humans evolved and thrived while eating protein rich food sources like meat and nuts. And the best time to eat this combo is first thing in the morning! According to Charles Poliquin, The Strength Sensei, the meat and nuts breakfast is the single best dietary thing you can do to positively impact your life! That’s because the meat and nuts breakfast has physical and mental benefits.

Eat the Meat and Nuts Breakfast for a Better Brain and Body It ‘s been stated that the meat and nuts breakfast is Charles Poliquin’s “single best diet tip to maximize energy, leanness, and mental focus“. Physically, the meat and nuts breakfast gives you quality protein and fat at the macro level (more on this later). Fat keeps you full longer than other nutrients and curbs sugar cravings. Protein builds muscle and other tissues.

Meat and nuts are natural, clean food that man was intended to eat. There are mental benefits as well – According to Poliquin, eating meat and nuts for breakfast raises dopamine and Acetylcholine levels. Optimal levels of dopamine and Acetylcholine leads to incredible benefits such as:. Improved mood and well being. Filling and reduces cravings. Sustained energy.

Charles Poliquin Strength Program

Mental Sharpness. Laser Focus.

Burn fat acetyl-choline is an amazing chemical compound that is involved in the signaling muscle movement, learning and memory formation, the regulation of the endocrine system and rapid eye movement (REM) sleeps cycles. This makes diets high in acetyl-choline, like the meat and nuts breakfast, perfect for having the right stuff for hard workouts and recovery.

Having the right amount of acetyl-choline helps create hard muscle contractions, and as you may or may not know, maximum muscle contraction is a MUST to achieve hypertrophy, muscle density and muscle definition (to look ‘cut’). The Meat and Nuts Breakfast is High in Protein First of all, meat and nuts contain quality protein and fat which gives you sustained energy all morning (much like ). No mid-morning crash like you experience after eating cereal or toast for breakfast. The meat and nuts breakfast creates a gradual blood sugar increase throughout the morning. Meaning you have steady energy all morning. High protein diets are also known to reduce hunger pangs, lessen fixation on food, and reduce the urge for late-night snacking.

So, front loading your day with a hearty high-protein breakfast is a step in the right direction! Scientific studies have shown that employee productivity and the attention patterns of children improve after eating a high-protein breakfast like meat and nuts. So, I Tried The Meat and Nuts Breakfast and My meat and nuts breakfast experience was random but it worked out great! It consisted of beef jerky and. Let me explain how it came to be I was driving to work Monday morning after leaving my girlfriends house. I skipped breakfast that morning because I had to drive 90 minutes to work and skipped eating a.

My girlfriend, being the sweetheart that she is, surprised me with gifts when I visited, which included almonds and beef jerky. I was hungry on my drive into work so I had myself an impromptu meat and nuts breakfast while listening to the Free Beer and Hot Wings radio show (hilarious – you should listen to them). My morning was super busy but I had great focus and energy. I felt awake and alert, calm and collected and was happy to be working.

I remembered learning about Charles Poliquin’s meat and nuts breakfast on a blog or podcast somewhere. Either way, it stuck with me and today was the perfect opportunity to try it out!

It was a great breakfast all things considered. I sounds weird to eat meat and nuts in the morning but it’s actually quite good. The nutrient profile of meat and nuts satisfies your bodies need for fuel. Meat and Nuts Breakfast Option Which ever kind of meat and nuts is your favorite will work great. As long as it’s natural. Avoid anything processed or frozen.

Breakfast Meat Options. Steak – any cut of your choice. Ground Beef hamburger patties. Turkey burger. (plain or with all natural seasoning) Breakfast Nuts Options.

(Raw or roasted. I get raw unsalted because sodium intake should be kept low). Pistachios. Macadamian nuts.

Charles Poliquin Routines

Walnuts. Cashews. Sunflower seeds Your body craves nutrients when you wake up. Eating high quality, natural protein and fat sources like meat and nuts is perfect to jump start your metabolism and fuel your morning. The meat and nuts breakfast provides a healthy dose of protein, natural fat and essential vitamins and minerals. Don’t get hung up on eating meat and nuts for breakfast.

It sounds weird, but it’s really not that bad. The meat and nuts breakfast can be eaten in the morning, or in the afternoon if you’re. As long as it’s the first meal of your day.

Winning eleven 2002 english version isopropyl. (Breakfast means to break a fast. So breakfast technically means the first meal of your day no matter when you eat it.) Is the Meat and Nuts Diet Right for me?

So, is the meat and nuts breakfast all it’s cracked up to be? Charles Poliquin believes that the first meal of the day sets the tone for neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters speed up or slow down nerve impulses. Dopamine and Acetylcholine are two very important neurotransmitters. Having suboptimal levels of either one could cause problems.

For example, low levels of Acetylcholine can lead to muscle weakness and other negative health effects. While low dopamine levels have been associated with cognitive/mental issues and depression. Err on the side of caution and make sure you get adequate dopamine and Acetylcholine in your system by eating the meat and nuts breakfast!

Elite athletes rave about this diet. And Charles Poliquin didn’t get to the top of his field by spewing bullshit. I think it’s the real deal. The science checks out.

But, at the end of the day it’s up to you to give it a try and see for yourself. BONUS: Video of me to Meat and Nuts breakfast!

Last week I discussed the I learned from my seminar with Charles Poliquin on hypertrophy (muscle growth). Today I’m tackling the 11 best tips for fat loss.

As mentioned in my previous article, there are no magic pills or simple tricks that will solve all your weight loss challenges. It took you months, or even years, to put on the weight, and it’ll take time to lose that weight. There are no overnight miracles.

If you want great fat loss results you will need two things: 1) Good programming, and 2) motivation and hard work. You can have the best fat loss program, and it’ll still fall apart if you don’t push yourself. Fat loss isn’t easy, but it’s doable and worth it.

Here are some helpful tips to consider while on your journey! Nutrition is individualized. There hundreds of diet books published every year in the US telling you how you should eat. Your diet must be on a solid foundation with some individualization for optimal results.

For example, a person of European descendent will most likely do well on a lower carb and higher fat diet. While a person of Asian descendent may do better on a higher carbs and lower fat diet. A good starting point for everyone is to lower the amount of processed foods and carbs, and increase their intake of vegetables. Keep your blood sugar low. No matter what diet you’re on, the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to make sure your blood sugar doesn’t spike. That means eating foods with a lower glycemic index, and avoiding foods that are highly processes.

Foods that are 0-55 are optimal. The closer to 0 the better. Just make sure you don’t forget that serving size matters and over eat, especially things like fruits. The thicker the skin on a fruit the more sugar it has. You won’t always be able to look up the nutrient profile of foods. As a quick guide, fruits with thicker skin often have more sugar, such as watermelons, melons, and bananas.

If you do eat fruits, stick to 1-2 servings per day of any type of berries. Poor sleep contributes to obesity.

Poor sleep is associated with higher inflammation in the body. Inflammation reduces your sensitivity to insulin and drives up cortisol production. With insulin and cortisol levels out of balance you crave more sugary foods.

Lack of sleep will also diminish the production of leptin and increase production of ghrelin. These 2 hormones regulate appetite and sleep ensures you are producing the right amount of each.

Charles Poliquin Fat Loss Program

Your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is also greatest while you sleep, which leads to fat loss. Moral of the story: Sleep 7-9 hours a night for fat loss! Avoid your computer, tv, and cell phones 3 hours before bed. The best way to immediately improve your sleep is to unplug from the world. That means no electronics before bed.

If you must use one of these devices before bed, use a program like f.lux to block the blue light that comes from your electronic device. You need to produce lactic acid to lose weight. Lactic acid produces a dramatic increase in HGH.

During your training protocols, you must produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is that feeling associated with the “burning” in your muscles. You’ll get it if you’re sprinting a 400m or doing 10 reps of heavy squats. Your muscles will begin to burn. You’ll have trouble breathing. That’s what you want to target during your training.

For weight lifting it’s better to target 6-12 reps. For cardio, target intervals where the sprint are between 40-70s. If it’s green you can eat as much as you like. If it’s naturally green, such as any type of vegetable, feel free to eat as much of it as you’d like without the fear of gaining weight. No one ever got fat by eating too much broccoli. Eating fish and vegetables is the best diet to lose weight. Ever heard of the fisherman’s diet?

It consists of only eating fish as your protein source and eating vegetables. You want to get lean fast, stick to this diet to see great results. 9., and are Charles’ top 3 supplements for fat loss. Most people have a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which cause a lot of inflammation in the body. Preventing you from losing weight. Supplementing with high dosage fish oil will help decrease inflammation and help you lose fat. One of the many benefits of carnitine is it helps convert fat in your body into fuel.

While magnesium is a mineral that helps control insulin and cortisol. Avoid aerobics.

Doing aerobics leads to a decrease in muscle mass, lowering the amount of calories you burn per day. And it doesn’t burn that many calories in the first place. If you want to do cardio stick to interval training. As mentioned before 40-70s is best as a full out sprint. Start your morning with the meat and nuts breakfast. Charles is a huge fan of the meat and nuts breakfast.

Here are his 4 reasons for this breakfast choice: 1) It makes you more anabolic 2) Great for increasing your mental drive and optimizing neurotransmitters 3) It helps you make better food choices throughout the day and 4) You perform better on mental tasks. There you have it. Those are some of Charles’ best tips to help with fat loss. If you’re struggling to lose weight or need some coaching, I do 1-on-1 personal training as well and online training. Just use the Contact page to get in touch with me!

Have a healthier week!