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With the help of the new software can be burglary crime allegedly targeted combat. This only works if the police it also has the time and the staff. On Friday, the police union (GdP) sat in the southwest once again from an emergency call. The load limit of the officials had been reached. Now whine like unions. But that the influx of refugees heavily loaded even the police can not be disputed. The many conflicts in refugee facilities are just one of the great problems.

Henceforth to be deported strengthened again, what it also needs more police. For a long time it seemed as if going to a say in the election campaign, the burglary crime. You do not need forecasting software to arrive at the conclusion: The refugee crisis is also superimpose this topic.

With the help of the new software can be burglary crime allegedly targeted combat. This only works if the police it also has the time and the staff. On Friday, the police union (GdP) sat in the southwest once again from an emergency call. The load limit of the officials had been reached. Now whine like unions. But that the influx of refugees heavily loaded even the police can not be disputed. The many conflicts in refugee facilities are just one of the great problems.

Henceforth to be deported strengthened again, what it also needs more police. For a long time it seemed as if going to a say in the election campaign, the burglary crime. You do not need forecasting software to arrive at the conclusion: The refugee crisis is also superimpose this topic. The ailing freight division is for the German Post for bottomless pit. High depreciation of the failed in many parts of the introduction of new data processing systems forcing the Group to re-reduce its profit forecast. Developed with our partners IBM and SAP systems are “very, very complicated and end up in error,” admitted post-CFO Larry Rosen. Therefore The Post pulled the ripcord and underlined the profit forecast for 2015 by at least half a billion euros to at least 2.4 billion euros.

Analysts were surprised by the amount of the reduction, the Deutsche Post shares broke in Dax an up to 3.6 percent. The current year is a “year of transition”, tried to CEO Frank Appel to reassure investors. Depreciation of 345 million in the cargo area Total depreciation and provisions of € 345 million were incurred in the cargo area, told the Post. There would also be stresses in other sectors at an altitude of 200 million euros. These include, according to a spokeswoman for depreciation of unused aircraft, but also for the financing of pensions for civil servants would be taken in light of the low interest rates provision. Photo: AP Post CEO Frank Appel In the global freight business, the Post has been adding issues – for over two years to fall where the profits that return on sales with 0.8 percent last significantly below those of its competitors.

The desire to change this management, while the IT plays an important role. CEO Appel had personally taken over in April, the responsibility for the division, which contributes about a quarter of Group sales. The freight business is groaning under the impact of internal conversions. Because the company had invested a lot of money in the data processing division, which still works on paper mainly with documents. But the conversion failed.

SAP and IBM are trying on a new software solution The Post working with partners such as SAP and IBM continue to develop a new IT environment for the freight division, Rosen said. This will however now being introduced in small steps: “evolution not revolution.” That will take years. Whether the introduction was a wrong decision, but one could say later. It is also too early to talk about compensation claims on SAP and IBM. SAP declined to comment. “We continue to pursue the goal of renewing our cargo business,” underlined Appel.

According to Rosen, a recovery should show 2016th Then the group, which lists off the cargo in express and parcel shipments thriving business wants, screw his winnings in the amount. Operating revenues should rise by 2016 of at least one billion euros, Appel and roses set again a bit from 3.4 to 3.7 billion euros in prospect, For tailwind could thereby provide a postage increase in Germany. The Post had recently announced its intention to increase prices so much not seen for almost 30 years.

When mass-produced standard letter postage is expected to increase about 62 to 70 cents of the year. Hit DARMSTADT – Software AG has earned in the third quarter 2015 bottom line significantly more. Net income climbed to 44.8 (previous year: 30.4) million euros, as the software maker announced in Darmstadt on Wednesday. But the speculators left the profit jump quite cold in the morning, the price of SAG share was time, 0.5 percent. “The early entry into the field of digitization and our technological leadership to show results”, assured Mr. Streibich, CEO of Software AG. The company is on the right track and will continue to grow profitably.

With a margin of over 32 percent, Software AG had “achieved a peak in our industry” during the quarter, added CFO Arnd. “With this basis, we are very well prepared for the future”.

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An important reason for the jump in profits in the third quarter, however, is a balance-sheet special effect: The company had provisions for remuneration of management resolved because initial sales targets are probably no longer be reached. Already about two weeks before the Darmstadt had announced that as approximately 15.6 million Euro were free and influenced the result positively. On the other hand a good eight million euros were laid for the reconstruction of the sales side.

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For two special effects had a positive impact on quarterly earnings in the amount of 7.3 million euros resulting. The key data known to sales and operating profit confirmed the TecDAX companies. Turnover had increased by five percent to 215.9 million euros, while earnings before interest and taxes by more than one third to EUR 66.8 million. The company confirmed that the initial forecasts for the years in the business integration software division (DBP) were no longer to create. For DBP Darmstadt now expect only an increase in sales of between zero and three percent. Previously wanted Germany’s second largest software maker after SAP here down six to twelve percent. But for this to its traditional business with database software now perform better than planned.

On September 30, 2015, the Software AG Group employed 4384 (4553) employees, of whom 1853 (1884) in Consulting, 919 (1026) in Sales and Marketing, 992 (989) in research and development and 620 (654) in the administration. The decline in the number of employees a company spokesperson justified by cost savings, the adoption of partial retirement programs as well as the withdrawal from the SAP consulting business. Work at the company headquarters in Darmstadt 710 (713) employees.

(Photo: Brett Jordan CC-BY 2.0) In the USA! Occur on Wednesday, some exceptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in force. They are about the phone unlocking, material 3D printer or jailbreaking. The shape of the legislation is obscure. The Librarian of the US Parliament is a high-ranking official.

To his Library belongs among others the Copyright Office. Every three years the Librarian granted exemptions from the prohibitions contained in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Yesterday it was time again – and already this Wednesday are the new, expanded exceptions Since the beginning of the month is David Mao of interim librarian of the US Parliament. Download dragon ball z - budokai tenkaichi 3 (usa).rar. It’s about to jailbreaking, SIM Locks, alternative material for 3D printers, old computers games, DVDs, electronic texts for the blind, medical implants, and, VW Thank automotive software. The playback of CSS protected DVDs under Linux, however, remains illegal.

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Some exceptions occur in a year in power. Allen’s provisions have in common that they are formulated very specific. You have to pay close attention in order not to hurt but the DMCA. And other laws shall not affect the decision of the librarian anyway Read more on c’t aktuell: (ds). Direct from the dpa news channel Redmond (AP) – He is considered a man of quiet tones, the rather shy public appearances. Even today, Bill Gates likes to linger on in the background, it should again be with his wife Melinda in the spotlight.

The American magazine “Forbes” lists William “Bill” Henry Gates III. Currently as the richest man in the world.

Thanks to Gates made primarily to the success of Microsoft. On October 28, the software architect and philanthropist is 60 years old. The company was founded Gates paved instrumental in the 70s way into the computer age. Together with his friend Paul Allen discovered Gates the potential of the software. Gates founded not only the rise of Microsoft, but ultimately invented the software industry. Unlike the charismatic occurring Apple founder Steve Jobs Gates was always more than reticent computer nerd.

But he has at least realized in developed countries his grand vision: A PC is now in almost every household – 40 years ago this vision was still a very ambitious goal. In the mobile revolution, however, Gates and his colleagues had the archrival Apple and the iPhone to run after, though Gates had mobile handheld computers and smartphones with Windows in the program even before Steve Jobs. The life of Bill Gates turns now no longer primarily PCs, smartphones and software: For seven years he dedicated his work almost exclusively charitable purposes. Gates is one of the people with the greatest generosity of the world.

$ 1.3 billion was Gates, according to “Forbes” together with his wife Melinda in 2014 for charitable purposes from and is thus listed on the second place. He is only surpassed by the large US investor Warren Buffett, who came on a willingness to donate in the amount of 2.8 billion dollars.

Currently Gates’ fortune is estimated to 79.2 billion dollars. Both Bill Gates and his wife Melinda French Gates were raised in families where the values ​​of volunteerism and personal commitment have been taught, it says on the websites of the Foundation.

“When life is good for one, you should use this gift as good and wise as you can,” it says. The first foundation projects of the two belonged in the 90s equipping Public libraries in the United States with Internet access via the Gates Library Foundation.

Gates learned about his company Microsoft, the importance of a PC access to education, they say. Soon after the engagement of the pair should extend to other areas of the world, about the fight against diseases such as malaria, AIDS and polio, as well as the fight against climate change. Many diseases are considered nearly defeated in the developed industrial nations, In Africa, Asia and elsewhere the lives of many millions of children, however, is in danger, because often there is a lack of the simplest medical treatments to about vaccinations. To change that, Bill and Melinda wrote from then on the flags. In 2010 she set for the next decade $ 10 billion alone for the exploration and distribution of vaccines for the poorest countries is available.

But there are always criticizing the policies of the Foundation Foundation. So denounced recently in March of the “Guardian” that the commitment to combat climate change, the work of asset management precludes contrary. According to a data analysis in the tax year 2013 has shown that the Foundation has invested $ 1.4 billion in companies that promote oil, gas or coal, and were responsible for some major environmental disasters, such as the British BP or the US company Exxon. The Foundation should have assets of nearly 30 billion dollars.

Also, the Foundation is accused of close ties to seed company Monsanto. With appropriate investment, the Foundation promotes the Food Group, which stands in the review to consolidate African poverty and to maintain the state-owned agriculture around with patenting of plants in dependence. Bill Gates was in 1955 in the near Seattle in Washington State was born. Even at school he met the older Paul Allen, co-founder of the later Microsoft, know and spent with him every spare minute with computers where you then still could rent computing power.

1975 Gates broke off his studies in order to devote more of his small company Micro-Soft and build the company. As a founding date is April 4, 1975.

His storybook career began gates with a large order from IBM. It should provide an operating system for the PC. Gates accepted the commission and bought for around $ 50 000. The rights to the system QDOS (Quick and Dirty OS), it developed further and named it in MS-DOS (Microsoft Disc Operating System) to. In order for the PC era began.

For global corporation Microsoft then climbed on to the Windows operating system. As leader of the Microsoft troops in “browser war” against Netscape, Gates was also repeatedly criticized. Ultimately, however, he sat through. At the height of his success, Gates came in early 2000 at the retreat.

At first he gave the position as Chief Executive Officer to his longtime friend Steve Ballmer. Officially he left in September 2007, in June 2008, the then 53-year-old then moved almost entirely from the software group back. Since then, he takes only as chairman of the board influence. The 60-year-old lives with his wife and three children in a high-tech property near Seattle. However, despite all the wealth, the children can not hope for a great legacy. The majority should benefit society, Melinda Gates said in an interview.

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